Polyurethane Rollers

Forktyre precision manufactured rollers keep your facilities working at full capacity.

Noun: A synthetic resin in which the polymer units are linked by urethane groups. (source: Wikipedia)

Forktyre polyurethane rollers are hard wearing, with a superior life expectancy. We supply and manufacture fully bonded polyurethane rollers for a wide range of applications for clients in many industry sectors including materials handling, manufacturing and theme park equipment. We can either rebond your existing rollers or custom manufacture to your design and specification.

Onsite Consultation

Ask one of the Forktyre team for details of our onsite visit – we are happy to come out onsite to review your (or your customer's) operating environment and any issues you are having, and recommend the most suitable product for your application.

Forktyre products are well known for their toughness, long life and durability. Don't compromise with your choice of polyurethane components – choose Forktyre.